Kontaktformular Website DSGVO
Kontaktformular Website DSGVO Kontaktformular DSGVO-konform gestalten Ein Kontaktformular auf der Website ist für viele Unternehmen
With just a few steps you can register for Evolution Forms and start working with it today!
You can easily integrate the Evolution Forms contact form on your website! After the purchase you will receive a registration link to the email address you provided. If you click on the link, you will automatically be redirected to a page on which you will receive your personal license key. You then install and activate the plugin in the backend of your website. Our form plugin „Evolution Forms“ now appears in the sidebar. Here you insert the license key, with which you can now complete the registration and start creating your form.
Now start with the structure so that you can incorporate the contact form on the website. In the first step, we recommend that you work out the individual steps / questions as well as the possible answers. Classically with pen and paper or in a text document. PowerPoint can also be used for this. You can also create a diagram to better illustrate the possible answers and the following questions:
Then you start editing in the WordPress backend of your website. To do this, click in the sidebar on the tab (1.) „Evolution Forms“ and then on the button (2.) „Create new form“. Now create the form according to your sketch. Add sections, ask questions, enable selections, offer free text fields, etc. You can link the sections with conditions and thus guide the user through the form with specific questions. For example, if the user answers a question with a certain selection and no further information is required, you can lead this user directly to the end of the form. With a different selection of another user, however, further questions arise. Accordingly, this selection is followed by a next question before this user finally gets to the end.
Now it is a matter of actually inserting the finished form into your website. To do this, go to the „Evolution Forms“ overview in the sidebar. There you will find all of your forms. Information on the side: You can theoretically create an unlimited number of forms without them hindering each other. We have programmed the plugin in such a way that all forms start separately and no overlaps can occur. [Find out more about the advantages of Evolution Forms here.] Find the required form in the table and copy the shortcode that you find in the same line.
Then go to the edit mode of your website; with Elementor, for example, it looks like this in the figure. Add a text field (text editor) at the desired location (drag & drop). Then click in the field on your page so that the text editor opens and text can be inserted.
Now paste the shortcode of your form copied in step 4 into the text editor. Save your draft and check the preview. Now you see your form and can „play through“ it once. Then it goes to fine-tuning. Add questions or perfect your design, etc. Just to put your mind at ease: in most cases a revision is necessary. As with most things, it is also with a form plugin that the application notices what can or even needs to be optimized. It’s a process. You are welcome to practice a little (e.g. set up a draft page) and try out what options you have. Use dependencies and play with the icons, the controls, etc … The good thing is: The form can be adapted at any time and it is immediately updated on the page on which you used it with the shortcode!
Now we wish you a lot of fun with Evolution Forms! Find out more about the possibilities that the Form Plugin offers you: Generate more leads, create e-mail lists, provide downloads, get customer opinions, conduct surveys, recruit staff … Should you have any questions or want to tell us what you are doing If you use the form, please write us a message:
Evolution Forms erhöht und verbessert Deine Anfragequalität in den Bereichen Lead Generierung, Projekt anfragen, Marktforschung, Bewerbungsanfragen, Produktauswahl, Dienstleistungsanfragen, uvm.
Kontaktformular Website DSGVO Kontaktformular DSGVO-konform gestalten Ein Kontaktformular auf der Website ist für viele Unternehmen
WordPress Multi Step Form Evolution Forms Multi Step Form for WordPress is your tool for
Kontaktformular für Homepage Mehr Anfragen mit einem Kontaktformular für deine Homepage Mit einem flexiblen und